Now that my gaming “career” is “over” I can reflect on what kind of twisted world I have just left. Or should I say, that Dalziel has just left =O
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“LOL I PWN YOU NOOB!” typed the despicable little nerdy boy with 5 inch thick glasses who spent all of his time inside in a dark room that was illuminated by the bright liquid crystals of his 24 inch LCD widescreen monitor.
“That’s it. How retarded are these kids who flame each other over the internet because they’re unhappy with their real lives. They spend all their time inside a dark room that is illuminated by the bright liquid crystals of a 24 inch LCD widescreen monitor” thought Dalziel as he threw his headset at his 24 inch LCD widescreen monitor. He had had enough of this enormous waste of his time.
Years Dalziel had spent in front of his bright 24 inch LCD widescreen, and all those years had gone to waste. He hated the more “hard core” aspects of the gaming world. When the leagues came and he and his friends attempted to make it big and to be the best, after it was all over, there were separated by the ridiculously numerous channels in vent and might as well have been worlds apart. Gaming was supposed to bring them together, not tear them apart. When the league play dissipated though, all was well, times were good, and friendships were strong. But right when the league came back, words were shot, times were bad, and friendships were being tested.
With all this in mind, Dalziel could not think of the reason why he kept coming back to the same villain who had ripped him apart and glued him back together again so many times. When Runescape lost is allure where did he turn? He turned to Gunz, Gunbound, Rakion, WoW, Rohan, Silk, Maple, TF2, Portal, Hellgate:
With the chain of words he had heard over and over again many times, “I pwn you noob!” it finally hit him. He had awoken to the crisp smell of the coffee that no one really drank. All those posers who thought they were being classy with their Starbucks cups in hand sipping their “coffee” never really drank coffee. Their drug of choice was sugar and cream, sugar and cream with a touch of coffee. The reason he had been holding his hand in the roaring fire had been to help him forget the problems of his life. Instead of using drugs and alcohol like the average teenager, Dalziel had gotten creative in his method of madness. Since he was a Christian, drugs and alcohols were a strict no-no, so instead of physically numbing his body with his mind, he took the path that left the body directly unharmed.
Though the body was left out of the direct line of fire, the mind in turn received of more focused beam of the numbing effects, this escape of the mind was so powerful that it drove the whole being into an addictive crazed state. Instead of wanting to always be out of the house and chilling with people in person, this beam of power was a magnet that always sucked Dalziel into the world of the internet. For the moments he was in front of his 24 inch widescreen LCD, Dalziel could forget all his problems and not deal with them. He could push them to the very outskirts of his brain where he would all but remember them.
But as the years rolled on by, Dalziel’s brain began to evolve. No longer would it succumb to the magnetic force of the 24 inch widescreen, it slowly developed a resistance to the drug. This resistance force tried to exert its dominance as the new alpha male many times before, but Dalziel was not strong enough. The addictive chemicals had seeped into his fat and when there were no more intakes, it would eat a bit of the chemical-laden fat and Dalziel would feel the cravings and relapse.
These stoppings and relapsings had been occurring on and off, and with them as the resistant strain of Dalziel brain grew stronger, bouts of depression would accompany these cycles making them even deadlier. Then another variable was thrown into the mix and things became even more dangerous. This variable was highly unexpected but very potent; few know the dangers of this unseen renegade variable. To this day, Dalziel is still unsure about this lonesome explosive variable, but he has moved on with his life and gone through the intense rehab known as his will power.
Dalziel’s one true source of power in his life stems from within his own body. The only problem with this power source is that it is fails easily, with any pressure or perhaps a new but similar renegade variable, it collapses into a little ball and assumes the fetal position until it finds its lemons and stares the foe down into a little corner where it then consumes the offending’s soul.
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“Sometimes solutions aren't so simple.
Sometimes goodbye's the only way.
And the [S]un will set for you,
The [S]un will set for you.”