Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Six Days Away

My flight leaves for Australia in 6 days. That's kind of mind-blowing. Sure my flight's been edited so I have like a 5 hour layover in LAX, but hey airports are kinda fun? Other than that this will be the first long flight I've been on for a long time. I'm no stranger to flying, but sitting on an airplane for 20 hours is going to be quite an ordeal.

And then I get to spend New Year's Eve in Melbourne. A different country, a completely different atmosphere. It's all very exciting. And there the drinking age is 18. Our local liason emailed all of us and told us to buy alcohol in the airport. Man this writing sucks compared to my stories, it's like an actual blog post. What is this?

Well Australia is going to be pretty sweet. Great Barrier Reef, kangaroos, ah man.

Hopefully these posts will stop sucking when I have actual events to write about instead of just writing about random crap that's semi-related.


Edit: there's a lot of old crap on this blog. Feel free to read it. I probably won't. They're just the rantings of an adolescent boy. I guess they're pretty entertaining.