Monday, August 25, 2008

VBS Long Essay Super Draft

“I have to go to the bathroom Peter,” I said as I made the universal little kids’ bathroom signal.

“Okay hurry up! Come on!” replied Peter, the teacher assistant for my class as he led the way to the bathroom. After I unloaded my bladder I quickly hurried back to the main sanctuary where the worship was being held. I loved jumping, singing, and dancing around with the one hundred other kids who were also attending my church’s annual Vacation Bible School (VBS).

As I returned to the sanctuary the band was playing one of my favorite songs “Whose Side are You Leaning on?” and I let out of scream of glee and I mimicked the motions the worship leaders demonstrated. As the song played on, I noticed that one of my fellow campers was not as enthusiastic as I was and instead of dancing along with the rest of us, he was sitting bored on the floor staring blankly.

Determined to get him involved in the song, I naively walked up to him and start nudging him and unknowingly annoying him to no avail. When the song called for a leaning motion, I would put all of my weight onto him and lean. I thought that by making him part of the motions that I would get him involved but the next thing I knew, I was in a full fledged 3rd grade headlock. I had not thought of the possibility of violence and being probably a full thirty-five pounds lighter than my adversary, I was in no way to escape easily. But with his arm nearby and my fast thinking brain, I opened my big mouth and bit down hard on the soft arm of my fellow camper…

Since that dreadful day of having the salty arm of my once-enemy inside of my mouth I have not failed to return to VBS almost every year. The camp has been with me for pretty much my whole life and has significantly shaped my personality. From seeing the cooler youth helpers and taking them as my role-models to being one of the cooler youth helpers who is a role-model, I have grown into the man I am today.

[Insert non-existent college essay-worthy personality traits and self-reflection here]

Now as I am entering the next stage of my life I will still never fail to return to volunteer every summer at my church’s VBS and hear the words that I myself one uttered. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

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Worth finishing?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Vocalistic Breakage Scholarliness

Hello again my devoted readers. I am proudly bored of my summer vacation so here I am remembering that I can busily enjoy myself for a bit and provide all of you with perhaps 5-10 minutes of entertainment to help alleviate the dull days of summer. But be not discouraged I will provide some more outlets of temporary enjoyment at the end of this post.

“ROCK!” The sound echoed through the transparent plastic drum shield of which Dalziel was rocking out behind. The little children wearing different color coded matching T-shirts screamed along with the music. This cult-like T-shirt wearing was called Vacation Bible School, VBS and Dalziel was playing drums for their worship as well as being a TA for the 2nd oldest kids of the camp.

Dalziel was to assist Eberhard in his teaching along with Mahalia. The days rolled on and Dalziel did not really expect to be too well-liked by the campers. He was never very good at working with little kids so he was not as active with the kids as Eberhard and Mahalia. Sure the kids would do the random things that they do such as renaming him Charlie (the Turtle) or Goat among other things, but Dalziel was just awkward when it came to interacting with kids. The kids seemed to love Eberhard especially and would always attack him and climb on him, they did this with Mahalia as well but not quite near as much as they did with Eberhard. For his personal bubble being kept in tact, Dalziel felt happy and sad at the same time. He was glad that he could have his moments of nap time when his help was not needed, but also sad that his campers did not really like him that much.

Then Wednesday arrived. The day of the water games, and by water games I mean randomly running around and owning people in the face with water. Dalziel knew before hand that Mahalia would be leaving at around 12:30 that day which was conveniently right when the game time was scheduled to end. With this in mind, during the day before water games, Dalziel was scheming along with Eberhard to push Mahalia and all the other girls into the pool and soak them. The water soakage was bound to be boys versus girls because at this age, the children were not really attracted to the opposite gender, but had more of a hate/slight attraction relationship with each other. So it was to be 4 male campers and 2 male staffers versus 12 female campers and 1 female staffer.

The time of execution neared and the kids filed semi-organized into the courtyard where the gallows were stationed. They sat down in a circle where they obediently listened to the games coordinator. He had planned 2 preliminary “moistings” before the real marinating was to begin. The kids were dribbled with water as the hot sun beat down on them overhead. Towards the end of the 2nd game, the kids were on the verge of explosion when the games coordinator ran to the hose and sprayed all the kids down and started screaming. Madness ensued and the previous scheming was forgotten for a small period of time. Then as the Spartans were quelled for a bit, the plans re-emerged in their brains and the pushing and pulling towards the pool commenced.

After all the fun was to be had, Dalziel and Eberhard had each been dunked around 4 times, but Mahalia had been dunked a whopping 10-12 times. For all the madness that had occurred during the games, it was no where near the madness that was to happen during transition time.

As all the kids were wet, they needed to change out of their wet clothes. Seeing as girls will be girls, all 12 of them went into the bathroom and changed all at once. The guys, being guys, went into the bathroom, saw that the stall was broken and decided to change in the classroom together. The girls finished relatively quickly and all filed out of the bathroom fully dressed. The guys were taking forever inside the classroom and Eberhard was faithfully guarding the door as the 4 boys slowly changed. As the girls waited outside the classroom, they began to get restless. Then Eberhard made the mistake of putting his head in to check on the progress. The 12 girls saw that the door was ajar and all threw their bodies against the door pushing and screaming, “WE WANNA SEE!! AHAHAHAHAH!” Eberhard who knew the progress inside saw that one of the boys was stark naked under the table and held strongly against the mass of girls who were experiencing their new found hormones. This excitement they could not contain! 1st going to the bathroom in groups and now boys! =O NO WAI! But alas, the bigger and stronger boys Eberhard and Dalziel protected their fellow males and held the ground with Eberhard holding the door only slightly ajar and Dalziel pulling 3-6 girls off the mass from the back.

This attempt of the obstruction of privacy was the most exciting and surprising part of VBS and for the rest of the week, Dalziel got a little bit closer to his campers and was dead tired. But that did not stop his midnight excursions into the wonderful land of Johto and Kanto…

That’s all for now, I may start making stuff up or posting up drafts of my college essay up here sooner or later. But some temporary respite from boredom is found here . Random flash games, do some achievements get some points, level up and all the while if you sign up with that link give me points too! =O yes this is what I have degraded to.