Monday, August 25, 2008

VBS Long Essay Super Draft

“I have to go to the bathroom Peter,” I said as I made the universal little kids’ bathroom signal.

“Okay hurry up! Come on!” replied Peter, the teacher assistant for my class as he led the way to the bathroom. After I unloaded my bladder I quickly hurried back to the main sanctuary where the worship was being held. I loved jumping, singing, and dancing around with the one hundred other kids who were also attending my church’s annual Vacation Bible School (VBS).

As I returned to the sanctuary the band was playing one of my favorite songs “Whose Side are You Leaning on?” and I let out of scream of glee and I mimicked the motions the worship leaders demonstrated. As the song played on, I noticed that one of my fellow campers was not as enthusiastic as I was and instead of dancing along with the rest of us, he was sitting bored on the floor staring blankly.

Determined to get him involved in the song, I naively walked up to him and start nudging him and unknowingly annoying him to no avail. When the song called for a leaning motion, I would put all of my weight onto him and lean. I thought that by making him part of the motions that I would get him involved but the next thing I knew, I was in a full fledged 3rd grade headlock. I had not thought of the possibility of violence and being probably a full thirty-five pounds lighter than my adversary, I was in no way to escape easily. But with his arm nearby and my fast thinking brain, I opened my big mouth and bit down hard on the soft arm of my fellow camper…

Since that dreadful day of having the salty arm of my once-enemy inside of my mouth I have not failed to return to VBS almost every year. The camp has been with me for pretty much my whole life and has significantly shaped my personality. From seeing the cooler youth helpers and taking them as my role-models to being one of the cooler youth helpers who is a role-model, I have grown into the man I am today.

[Insert non-existent college essay-worthy personality traits and self-reflection here]

Now as I am entering the next stage of my life I will still never fail to return to volunteer every summer at my church’s VBS and hear the words that I myself one uttered. “I have to go to the bathroom.”

- - - -

Worth finishing?


Victoria said...

ahahahahahaha. a kid bit you?

tommy said...

no he bit some other kid.
are you bad at reading comprehension?