Thursday, May 3, 2012

Late Night Thoughts

So I just got an email about a possible job up in Sudbury.  It’s just a quick phone conversation to talk about it if it’s what I’m looking for, but at this point I’m really just looking for anything…  Whether or not I enjoy what I actually end up doing is just a bonus.

Fortunately, I really like chemistry/lab work so where ever I go, if I’m in a lab, I’m gonna have a good time.  I don’t really know where I’m going to be this summer and it’s kind of annoying.  I supposed most people would be anxious and stuff, but that just doesn’t really happen to me.  Well maybe that’s a lie, I am writing this blog post at 4:15 am.  But I just felt the need to talk to someone even if it’s myself in a word document.  There’s something strangely comforting about typing out these blogs to myself and the host of whoever reads these things, which after IQP I’ve found is quite a large number of bored people on the internet, but I guess that’s what I get for making facebook posts about each update I make.  The internet is indeed a super public place, it makes stalking that much easier.

Oh well, it’s the first day of summer and I should probably sleep.  I also should probably call my parents tomorrow, or rather, later today.  But I’m gonna play a little bit of ME3 first.

The things I do… I’ll just set an alarm for noonish tomorrow so I don’t sleep the entire day away.


p.s. Daybreak by Michael Haggins is amazing, especially this specific rift from it.
10 min loop that I can listen to for forever.

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