Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What Can I Say? The oddities revolt!

Yeah, I’m sorry to say, but the previous idea submission was not flowing with me. I’m terribly sorry to say that I cannot bring myself to write off of something else. As of now I think the only things I can have fun and be involved while writing about is something I think up myself. =\ No hard feelings.

So more fiction to come, or maybe it isn’t fiction… decide that for yourself, this story I’m sure could go either way.

THWACK! “THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SLEEPING IN MY CLASS?” Dalziel awoke with a start and also a size 13 shoe-shaped mark on his face.

“SINE, COSINE, TANGENT!” shouted he with the shoe protruding out of his forehead.

“Oh, very good, you WERE paying attention. Now we can get on with class, but seriously? What would you do if I started sleeping during class, here let’s try now… … … … … … … … … … Not very productive huh?” Dalziel’s math teacher was going insane, he had always told stories of beating the crap out of “day dreamers”, but he never suspected that the left shoe of justice would rain down on his unsuspecting body, let alone his beautiful face. He was sure that the mark left from the shoe would be felt and seen for the next few days. What would he say to his mom? He couldn’t tell her what actually happened because Mr. Noeth would get fired and no one would want that. Noeth was the most epic teacher in the history of his school. Getting him fired would not look good and there would probably be more shoes of smaller sizes flying in his direction if he reported this horrific incident.

Dalziel attentively took notes for the rest of the period, but he was well aware of the many wide-eyed stares he was getting, or rather, the shoe-shaped mark on his face was getting. After class ended, Dalziel packed up his belongings and walked out the door caressing his now-scarred face.

“Dude, how’d that feel?” asked Gamaliel

“Meh, not too bad, just a bit sore, I guess I’m kind of in shock right now. He always tells stories, but I never thought he’d follow through with those insane plans. I mean honestly, why didn’t he just get me a cup of coffee or something. A freaking shoe to the face? Who does that?”

“Mr. Noeth does that, obviously. Pffft. And you’re in Honors trig and you can’t make that simple deductive reasoning? Downs much?”

“… no you…” was Dalziel’s curt reply as he split into another hall ready to attend Spanish Class. Heading into Spanish class his teacher quickly noticed the strange demarcation that covered the majority of Dalziel’s once handsome face.

“Qué pasó Dalziel?”

“Nada, nada, solo mi incapaz de andar.” So in his five minute walk to Spanish class, Dalziel had devised an ingenious plan to deal with the now-bluish mark on his face. He would claim that he was walking around outside to cut through the traffic of the over-crowded halls, not paying attention to where he was walking, and he fell over and unfortunately there was someone running to catch a football and he stepped on Dalziel’s face, hard. At this point, Dalziel was falling asleep again, probably from the slight concussion he felt coming on with the violent shoe to the face experience.

THWACK! “DALZIEL, ESTÁS DORMIENDO EN MI CLASE? NADA DE ESO!” Dalziel couldn’t take it anymore; he had had enough this with his ridiculous teachers. Two shoes to the face in one day were enough to drive him over the edge. He reached into backpack for this “special” friend whom he brought to him everyday just for days like this… slowly he pulled out his iPod, plugged in, and zoned out. After achieving the Zen he needed to fall asleep, he awoke with a start to the “Energize.midi” of his cellphone…

“The hell kind of dream was that?” thought Dalziel until he felt an odd aching pain that seemed to cover his whole adolescent, acne-scarred face that was the complete opposite of the one in his dreams… but only to some extent…

1 comment:

Jess said...

hahahaa i had mr. noeth for summer school a couple of years ago! lol he's so funny.

okay no offense but this one isn't as funny/interesting as you're chemistry class one and the chinese camp one.