So everyone arrived on site about a week ago and I guess it's time for an update. Especially since this is a word document and I'm typing and I'm at work. So it must be something pretty important looking in regards to my report. The words are just flying out as if I've just read a super relevant paper and now I'm trying to get all of the information down before I forget it all.
As you can probably tell, "work" is pretty uneventful so this will probably be a longer post if I have enough to write about because there's really nothing else I can do at this point. We're waiting for our sponsor to decide on what they want us to do and that was really apparent on Friday, which we informed after the fact that it's casual. But hey, maybe my new "casual" is the business casual dress, all grown up now. Speaking of which, I've been wanting to upgrade my wardrobe for awhile now, but clothes are too expensive. I did, however, take this opportunity of IQP and Christmas sales to pick up a few more "fashionable" clothes towards my future new wardrobe once I have the funds in a few years. It's not like I'm growing taller or fatter anytime soon either.
Well that's all unrelated to IQP at all and just random thoughts that stem from me starting to write about IQP. And to think I used to make fun of people who wrote like they talked. But then again, I think a blog is the time and place for something like that and not some academic paper. Even still I become more articulate and eloquent when I'm typing, it's like that extra half second I get to think before the words appear makes me awesome. But when am I never awesome? :D just kidding. Kind of. But not really.
I've gotten about half a page down and I've still written nothing about how IQP is going. I guess I'll start with the most recent and relevant topic regarding life here which is sharing an apartment with people who aren't really your friends and not brothers in Christ. It's a bit different to put things lightly. First of all the apartment is really small and maybe sometime I'll take pictures of it and upload them while I'm at the library. But the way the apartment is set up, it lends itself very much towards sharing food with your flat-mates, but as this weekend would have it, my dreams of simplicity and camaraderie would appear too lofty. I originally wanted to share all of the food in the apartment equally and split the receipts pretty much equally amongst the four of us. Very similar to how my apartment functions at school, again with me primarily doing most of the cooking which I'm totally okay with. But we seem to have hit a road block and we've now since converted to only sharing milk and eggs. I've paid the most for food so far because I like food so now I "own" a lot of the food we have around the apartment even though we've eaten most of it. I pretty much got a little shafted on the money side of things in regards to food, but it's not too much money and I'm not about to poke a sore spot over $5-10. Hopefully after last weekend it should be nothing but smooth sailing and blue skies ahead.
Now onto less touchy subjects and the fun stuff and of course my writing momentum gets kicked into a corner as we have the weekly office Monday morning coffee pow-wow. Then of course I have to look up how to make chili for our apartment dinner only to find out that it takes a damn long time and we don't have chili powder. I guess it'll be chili powderless chili. And I also guess we're eating really late too as it takes at least an hour if not 2 of simmering to develop the correct meld of flavors. Ah what a productive work day.
On a more exciting topic, this weekend we went out to a few different places. On Friday night we went to a couple clubs. Nothing really too exciting there, except one of my classmates trying to set me up with girls all night. Tapping on their shoulders and pushing me towards them. Really quite embarrassing to say the least, then add to that my extreme noobness in this type of environment. Yup, really awkward. Just imagine that happening for a few hours in loud clubs and him yelling over to me every couple minutes, "Dude just pick one out!" I'm totally a wuss and we'll see if that changes in the next few weeks I'm here. I may even discover that "clubbing" isn't really for me. I'm not too sure of it at this point. It's just really loud music on a crowded dance floor bobbing to the beat of the music. Music that is only mediocre. I mean it definitely fits the environment of a club and everything, but that doesn't mean that music isn't that great. Then again we only went to two clubs as we're reluctant to pay for any entry fees.
Saturday we went to the zoo and that was pretty cool. I took some pictures, but I forgot to charge my camera, so about 10 minutes in, it died. I was so upset but I did get some pictures of the kangaroos. Also the kangaroo exhibit is pretty much open air with a small fence that people can easily cross. There are emus and kangaroos kind of just chilling. Luckily while we were there one of the baby kangaroos walked out of the enclosed area and I got to pet it. Unfortunately there were so many people around so I didn't get to take an iconic profile picture. That kangaroo was pretty much an attention whore, but I can't blame it. It's a freaking kangaroo living in a zoo. There were also a bunch of other animals from around the zoo. Typical ones you'd find a t a zoo of this size. There were elephants, zebras, giraffes, all different types of monkeys, tigers, lions, seals, penguins and the list goes on and on. I did get to see a platypus though and those things are pretty damn ugly.
After the zoo, one of our sponsors here invited the whole group over for dinner and we sat around for awhile as they told us about themselves and then we ate and just kinda chilled because that's what you do at dinner parties. It was good, free food and company. Then Sunday morning I had planned to go visit a church down the street, but I'm kind of lame and couldn't exactly wake myself up in time that and one of my flat mates took the bathroom for about 15 minutes starting at 9:35 so I couldn't exactly wash-up in time for the 10 am service. All excuses I know, but I'll definitely go next week and maybe that'll be a better environment to meet people :D.
Then we went to the market and picked up groceries and the wonderful discussions took place, well not exactly then but the problem came up. We shelved it as people were going to the beach and so we went to the beach. The weather wasn't even all that great. It was warm when you laid down and got out of the wind, but with the wind blowing it was actually pretty cold. I basically spent the whole time digging a hole because that's what you do at beaches. You dig holes. It's much more exciting than just lying down and getting skin cancer. It's also hilarious because all my pale, white classmates are lathering on the sun screen and still getting burned and I don’t think I applied sunscreen until we were leaving and I didn't burn at all. There was also free ice cream being handed out and we totally abused it. I got two free ice cream bars and they were delicious.
And I guess that wraps up the weekend. It's Monday and we're back to the grind. Maybe we'll actually get some progress on our project this week. We should definitely be a little more proactive about our project because that is kind of why we're all the way down here in Australia.
On another note, with all the free time in the evenings I've been playing a lot of Terraria and Desktop Dungeons. I know I'm really cool, but everyone else seems to just be watching TV or other shows they have. Maybe I'll join in on some shows with people, but evenings here are going to be a large block of free time as we have no homework. This is what it must be like to have a job. *Gasp*
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